07-22 Maintenance Update 07/23 [Death High S4] 1. Death High has 160 floors. You may advance to the next floor after clearing the current one. 2. There is a Special Infected every 5 floors.
07-08 Maintenance Update 07/09 [Supply Protection Event] 1. After Survivors complete the supply transportation quest, there is a chance to trigger a Supply Protection Event. Once triggered, Survivors can request help from their Friends, Camp and the World, and call on other Survivors to participate in the event together.
06-24 Maintenance Update 06/24 [Camp Challenge Arena] 1. Camp Challenge Arena is available to play from 19:00-22:00 every Friday. Survivors from all Camps can team up to participate.
06-11 Maintenance Update 06/11 [Camp Trap Infections] 1. The Trap Infections activity now covers two new areas: Desolate Wasteland and Abandoned Power Plant, with new Special Infected lurking inside. Please proceed with caution.
06-11 [6.11] Announcement of Draw Probability LuckyPointsitemchanceCollector'sEd.:NightSpirit0.07%AuroraGuard0.10%MoonPigeon0.20%Formula:MedicalChip0.32%Collector'sEd.:BloodthirstyShark0.14%BloodLightning0.20%BladeHunter0.41%Formula:CombatChip0.64%EndeavourBackpack0.41%LaserCutOptionalChest0.59%GoldEvolutionGearVoucher2.72%GoldBars*100004.86%TrainingCert*1402.91%TrainingCert*1007.77%TrainingCert*607.77%FormulaShard*402.91%FormulaShard*207.77%PhotoetchingPen*22.91%PhotoetchingPen*17.77%ModuleEtchant*22.91%ModuleEtchant*17.77%NanoplasticⅠ*500
06-02 [5.28] Announcement of Draw Probability ChildlikeLimitedPackitem概率StuffedPanda*10.10%SweetDreamsTeddy*10.15%WhiteTeddy*10.15%GoldBars*100009.96%NanoplasticII*120014.94%NanoplasticI*300014.94%PolymerCoating*114.94%FilmFabric*114.94%SkillPoint*150014.94%NewDollar*100014.94%
05-28 Maintenance Update 05/28 [Blazing Frontline] 1. Tectonic motion has given the city of St. Rona a whole new volcanic landscape! Lava is pouring out, and the volcano may erupt at any time! The Scientia and Commerce Bureau members who arrived in St. Rona in advance have sent a distress signal, and the Vanguard has made provisional repairs to the route leading to St. Rona. The uncharted land of the volcanic area is now open to you...
05-14 [5/14] Announcement of Draw Probabilit FortuneDrawItemsChanceCollector'sEd.:RedHotBee0.09%Collector'sEd.:PhantomRose0.09%Skin:JungleScout0.13%Skin:QuicksilverOwl0.13%Skin:JungleLadybug0.25%Skin:SoaringOwl0.25%GatheringChip0.38%AssistChip0.38%RainbowUnicorn0.41%Lv.4MechanicalMaterials2.35%Lv.4ArmorMaterials2.35%GoldBars*500000.39%GoldBars*80004.89%GoldBars*50007.83%GoldBars*30007.83%Lv.2RandomComponent*16.85%Lv.2RandomFilm*19.79%SouvenirSilverCoin*1504.89%FormulaShard*404.89%FormulaShard*258.22%FormulaShard*158.22%NanoplasticII*20006
05-14 Maintenance Update 05/14 [Blazing Frontline] 1. Earthquakes, abnormal temperature rises, food and resource shortages, and a new type of Infected have emerged all across the land. The Commerce Bureau and Scientia have both launched an investigation into these strange phenomena. You can help Scientia experts search for evidence, or assist the Commerce Bureau team leader in wiping out the new Infected... No one knows what will happen next, but every person needs to make a decision. The decisions you make will shape the fut
05-11 Maintenance Update 04/30 [Levin Hotel] Scientia recently acquired a valuable research sample. According to a Survivor, the sample came from Hotel, an infection zone previously untouched. Scientia is offering great rewards to people who can collect the blood of the unknown mutant in this uncharted area.