11-04 LifeAfter Season 4: The 2nd Outbreak Launches! Biggest Zombie Swarm Ever Approaches! LifeAfter Season 4: The 2nd Outbreak Launches on 11/4.
11-03 Maintenance Update 11/4 To ensure a better game experience, we are performing an update from 11/4 8:00 to 9:00 (UTC+8).
10-28 [10.28] Announcement of Draw Probability Draw probability of Lucky Gift Box etc.
10-13 Maintenance Update 10/14 To ensure a better game experience, we are performing an update from 10/14 8:00 to 8:30 (UTC+8).
09-29 Maintenance Update 9/30 To ensure a better game experience, we are performing an update from 9/2 7:50 to 8:30 (UTC+8).
09-16 LifeAfter Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration, Tons of Activities and Exciting Infected Hunt Gameplay Launched LifeAfter,theOpenWorldDoomsdaySurvivalGamedevelopedbyNetEaseGames,isreleasingitsMid-AutumnFestivalthemeactivitiesanditemsfromSeptember16toSeptember29,2021,offeringachanceforSurvivorstogetintotheholidayspiriteveninthepost-apocalypticworld.Atthesametimeofthecelebration,theDoomsdayWorldisgettingevenmoredangerous!
09-15 Maintenance Update 9/16 To ensure a better game experience, we are performing an update from 9/16 8:00 to 8:30 (UTC+8).
09-02 [9.2] Announcement of Draw Probability Draw Probability of the following content(s): Fortune Draw, Heartfelt Pulse Furniture Chest
09-01 Maintenance Update 9/2 To ensure a better game experience, we are performing an update from 9/2 8:00 to 8:30 (UTC+8).
08-18 Maintenance Update 8/19 To ensure a better game experience, we are performing an update from 8/19 8:00 to 8:30 (UTC+8).